Many of
Martins Bank’s Cattle Market
(mainly Southern) and Auction
Mart (mainly Northern) Branches
are to be found
in premises more suited
to being a
garden shed
rather than a bank. However, at Stanley Meat and Cattle
Market in Liverpool, the Bank does benefit from bricks and mortar AND their
name above the door at No 5, Stanley Abattoir. Not the most romantic of venues – home of the Public Health Department Meat
Inspectors - and certainly not in the same beauty league as Martins Bank’s
Branches in the Lake District, nevertheless Stanley Abattoir provides a
counter service to the fresh meat trade for forty-four years. This image
of the Branch is from 1937. In 1928,
the new Martins Bank Limited finds itself awash with duplicate Cattle Market
Branches including TWO
at Stanley Cattle Market. By the 1930s
this position has been consolidated, and the new permanent building offers a
greater degree of comfort to staff and customers than the previous shed-like
premises! Stanley Abattoir is a sub Branch to Liverpool Kensington. We
therefore have no separate details of the staff who worked there. In the
1960s it actually opens across the full six day banking week, which is quite
unusual for a sub-Branch of this type, but reflects the busy nature of this
site. If you can help with images and/or information about this or any of our
other Branches, please do get in touch with us at the usual address: martinsbankarchive@btinternet.com.

In Service: 5 August 1931
until closure of Stanley Abattoir in 1971

Image © Barclays Ref 0030/2770